Words cannot express the beauty of the people and the natural environment of Southern Africa! …
Black Heritage Tour Kicks Off With A Stop In London!
Cause Me to Travel’s Black Heritage in France trip has kicked off with a stop in London! We managed to arrive just as preparations were getting underway for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Weekend. Though we spent only one night in town, we packed in a mad dash through St. James’s Park to view the Changing of the Guard and Buckingham Palace, then made our way to Westminster to check out Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, the London Eye Tower of London, Tower Bridge, and the HMS Belfast before settling in for the night.
We made our way to Paris on Eurostar departure #9022 this morning for an afternoon arrival. We took to the streets again for a little perusing before tomorrow’s scheduled visits to the major Parisian landmarks followed by lunch at Jules Vernes in the Eiffel Tower.
Wish you were here, and will post more photos soon!

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